Civil Rights Activist Photographer Filmmaker Easy Rider On Air Reporter KRLA Cameraman KTTV Seafarer Adventurer
Cliff Vaughs
April 16, 1937 - July 2, 2016
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"Surviving is ‘Don’t!'
To live is ‘Do!’” . . . C. Vaughs
"Cliff Vaughs Remembered"
Cliff changed the trajectory of my life at 18 and again — 52 years later — at 70. He continues to inspire me to live life to the fullest, to keep my heart open, to accept life as it is, not to judge those whose shoes you haven’t walked in, and to honor the magic and mystery of a connected universe . This video is my tribute to the man who was my first love, and who remains with me in spirit.
" The whole idea is to wrap your arms around the engine and RIDE!"
. . . C. Vaughs
Top left: Elliot M. Gold/Gold Mustache Photography; Center: Danny Lyon; Right: B. Charlan/E. Gold/D. Sapriel; Middle left: Sapriel archives; Center: Charles Fleming/LA Times; Bottom left: Irene Marcus; Middle: Presbyterian Historical Society, Feb.12, 2015 article on the Selma-to-Montgomery Marches; Right: Sculpture by Hank Willis Thomas inspired by Danny Lyon photo.